Define coherence time and coherence bandwidth.

Engineering Lecture Notes Pdf

32. Define coherence time and coherence bandwidth.

Coherence time and coherence bandwidth are two important concepts in wireless communication that relate to the time and frequency characteristics of a communication channel. They are used to quantify how long a channel remains statistically unchanged in time and frequency domains, respectively. Let's define each term:

1. Coherence Time:

    Coherence time is the duration during which a wireless communication channel remains relatively unchanged in terms of its characteristics, such as amplitude and phase. It is the time interval over which the channel can be considered approximately time-invariant. Beyond the coherence time, the channel's conditions may change due to various factors like movement of the transmitter, receiver, or scatterers, causing signal fading and variations in the channel's properties.

For example, in mobile communication scenarios, coherence time is related to the movement of mobile devices or users. When the coherence time is longer, it implies that the channel conditions change slowly over time, making it easier to equalize and mitigate fading effects.

2. Coherence Bandwidth:

    Coherence bandwidth refers to the range of frequencies over which the wireless communication channel remains statistically constant or nearly so. Within this bandwidth, the channel's frequency response, including the magnitude and phase, remains relatively unchanged. However, outside the coherence bandwidth, the channel may exhibit significant frequency-selective fading due to variations in the propagation environment or frequency-dependent effects.

Coherence bandwidth is particularly important for OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) communication systems, where the available frequency spectrum is divided into multiple subcarriers. The coherence bandwidth determines the maximum bandwidth that can be allocated to each subcarrier without experiencing significant frequency-selective fading.

Both coherence time and coherence bandwidth are essential factors in designing reliable wireless communication systems, as they influence the choice of transmission techniques, channel coding, equalization, and resource allocation strategies to achieve better performance and minimize the impact of fading and signal distortions.

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