Engineering Lecture Notes Pdf

MPMC 8085,8086 LAB VIVA INTERVIEW 2 Marks Short Questions And Answers Pdf:-



1. Define microprocessors?
2. Microcomputer definition and examples
3. Define ROM?
4. What is an ALU?
5. What is Micro controller?
6. What is an Assembler?
7. What are the four primary operations of a MPU?
8. What do you mean by address bus?
9. How many memory locations can be addressed by a microprocessor with 14 address lines?
10. Why is the data bus bi-directional?
11. What is the function of the accumulator?
12. Define control bus?
13. What is a flag?flag? Types of Flags?
14. Why are the program counter and the stack pointer 16-bit registers?
15. Define memory word?
16. Specify the number of registers and memory cells required in a 128 x 4 memory chip?
17. Explain the function of ALU and IO/M signals in the 8085 architecture?
18. If the 8085 adds 87H and 79H, specify the contents of the accumulator and the status of the S, Z, and CY flag?
19. Write down the control and status signals?
20. Define machine cycle?
21. Define T-state?
22. What is a transparent latch? Why is it necessary to latch with output devices such as LED’s?
23. Give the bit positions reserved for the flags?
24. Define instruction cycle?
25. What are the functional parts of 8086 CPU?
26. What is the purpose of a decoder in EU?
27. Give the register classification of 8086.
28. What are general data registers?
29. Give the different segment registers.
30. What are pointers and index registers?
31. If the execution unit generates an effective address of 43A2H and the DS register contains 4000H.
32. What are the different types of addressing modes of 8086 instruction set ?
33. What are the different types of instructions in 8086 microprocessor?
34. Mention the addressing modes of the following 8086 instructions
35. What are the different flag available in status register of 8086 ?
36. How Will Carry And Zero Flags Reflect the Result of The Instruction Cmp Bx,Cx?
37. What do these instructions do?
38. What is the use of HOLD and HLDA signals?
39. What is an assembler directive?
40. How single stepping can be done in 8086?
41. What are the functions of bus interface unit (BIU) in 8086?
42. Explain the process of control instructions
43. Discuss the function of instruction queue in 8086?
44. What is the maximum memory size that can be addressed by 8086?
45. Explain DUP
46. Explain PUBLIC
47. What is Microcontroller and Microcomputer
48. What is assembler
49. What is loader
50. What is linker
51. Explain PROC & ENDP
52. Explain SEGMENT & ENDS
53. What are procedures
54. What are libraries
55. What are Macros
56. How do 8086 interrupts occur
57. What are the 8086 interrupt types
58. What is interrupt service routine
59. What is multiple interrupt processing capability?
60. What is hardware interrupt?
61. What is software interrupt?
62. What is assembly level programming?
63. What is a stack ?
64. What is an assembler directive?
65. How is the physical address calculated ? Give an example.
66. Explain the three machine control flags.
67. Differentiate Macros and Procedures
68. Compare 8085 & 8086
69. Define Linking and Relocation. When it will happen.
70. Define Modular Programming


1.What is an instruction set?
2. Give the functional categories of 8085 micro instructions?
3. Define Opcode and operand?
4. Define the types of branching operations?
5. Define two-byte instruction with one example?
6. Write instructions to load the hexadecimal numbers 65H in register C, and 92h
in the accumulator A .Display the number 65H at PORT0 and 92H at PORT1?
7.What operation can be performed by using the instruction ADD A?
8.What operation can be performed by using the instruction SUB A? Specify the status of Z and CY?
9. What is the machine control operations used in 8085 microprocessor?
10. What is data transfer instructions?
11. Give the flow chart symbols?
12. What are the notations used in the 8085 instructions?
13. What is JNC 16-bit address?
14. Give the instructions that perform the logical operations?
15. What is a three-byte instruction?
16. Define a program?
17. Define ASCII code?
18. What is STA in data transfer instruction?
19. What is an IN instruction?
20. What is an OUT instruction?
21. Give the difference between JZ and JNZ?
22. What is CMA?
23. What is CALL instruction?
24. How is the instruction set classified?
25. What are the three groups of signals in 8086 ?
26. What are the uses of AD15 – AD0 lines ?
27. What is the operation of RD signal ?
28. Give the function of i. Ready and ii. INTR signal.
29. What is the operation performed when TEST input is low ?
30. What is NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt) ?
31. What is the purpose of clock input ?
32. What is the function of MN/MX pin?
33. What happens when a high is applied to RESET pin?
34. Differentiate between minimum and maximum mode.
35. 11. Draw the pin configuration of 8086.
36. Give any four pin definitions for the minimum mode.
37. What is a bootstrap loader ?
38. What are the pins that are used to indicate the type of transfer in minimum mode ?
39. What is the operation of S0, S1 and S2 pins in maximum mode ?
40. Give any four pin definitions for maximum mode.
41.  Draw the bus request and bus grant timings in minimum mode system
42. Draw RQ/GT timings in maximum mode.
43. State the significance of LOCK signal in 8086.
44. What is multiprogramming?
45. What is the function of the BHE signal in 8086?
46. What will happen when a DMA request is made, while the CPU is performing a memory or I/O cycles?
47. What are the schemes for establishing priority in order to resolve bus arbitration
48. What is I/o Programming
49. Differentiate Multiprocessing and Multi programming.
50. What is system bus architecture? Give generalized 8086 system bus architecture.
51. List some of the advanced microprocessors
52. Define Multiprocessor System
53. What are the three basic multiprocessor configuration that 8086 can support?
54. What do you mean by numeric data processor
55. What are the advantages of a loosely coupled configuration in a multiprocessor system.
56. What are the functional units in 8087?
57. How many I/O channels available in 8089
58. Name the data type of 8087.
59. Define system bus timing.
60. Give the timing diagram for memory & I/O read cycle and memory & I/O write cycle both in max, min mode operation.
61. What is the need for multi processor system?
62. What are the advantages of multi processor system?
63. Define Coprocessor:
64. Give the functions of coprocessor
65. What is Multiprocessing
66. Define Closely-coupled multiprocessor systems
67. What is Loosely-coupled multiprocessor systems
68. Difference between Closely Coupled & Loosely Coupled Multiprocessor systems
69. Define 80186
70. Give the significance of advanced processors


1. Why the number of out ports in the peripheral-mapped I/O is restricted to 256 ports?
2. If an input and output port can have the same 8-bit address how does the 8085 differentiate between the ports?
3. What are the control signals necessary in the memory mapped I/O?
4. Why a latch is used for the output port and a tri-state buffer is used for the input port?
5. What happens when the 8085 execute the out instruction?
6. How will the port number be affected if we decode the high-order address lines A15 –A8 rather than A7 – A0?
7. Define Memory mapped I/O?
8. What is an interrupt I/O?
9. What is Partial Decoding?
10. Give the characteristics of Memory mapped I/O?
11. What is SIM?
12.What is RIM?
13. What the two categories of an interrupt?
14. What is the purpose of an interrupt enable?
15. Write an instruction to enable all the interrupts in an 8085 system?
16. Give the commonly used priority modes?
17. What do you mean by control logic?
18. What are the two modes of DMA execution?
19. How the 8327 DMA controller transfers 64K bytes of data per channel with addresslines?
20. Give the three formats of END of Interrupt?
21. What are the signals used by the DMA controller?
22. Give the additional features of 8259A controller?
23. How the signals of the 8237 are classified?
24. How long the INTR pulse stays high?
25.What is interfacing?
26. What is memory mapping?
27. What is I/O mapping?
28. What is an USART?
29. What is the use of 8251 chip?
30. The 8279 is a programmable __________ interface.
31. List the major components of the keyboard/Display interface.
32. What is Key bouncing?
33. Define HRQ?
34. What is the use of stepper motor?
35. What is TXD?
36. What is RXD?
37. Draw the status word format for 8254.
38. What is meant by key bouncing?
39.Write the function of crossbar switch?
40. What is a data amplifier?
41. What are the different inter connection topologies?
42. What are the configurations used for physical interconnections?
43. What are the functional types used in control words of 8251a?
44. What are the basic modes of operation of 8255?
45. Write the features of mode 0 in 8255?
46. What are the features used mode 1 in 8255?
47. What are the signals used in input control signal & output control signal?
48. What are the features used mode 2 in 8255?
49. What are the modes of operations used in 8253?
50. What are the different types of write operations used in 8253?
51. Give the different types of command words used in 8259a?
52. Give the operating modes of 8259a?
53. Define scan counter?
54. What is the output modes used in 8279?
55. What are the modes used in keyboard modes?
56. What are the modes used in display modes?
57.What is the use of modem control unit in 8251?
58. Give the register organization of 8257?
59. What is the function of DMA address register?
60. What is the use of terminal count register?
61. What is the function of mode set register in 8257?
62. Define D/A and A/D interface
63. List the applications of D/A interface
64. Give the applications of I/O interface


1. What is the purpose of 8255 PPI?
2. List the operating modes of 8255A PPI?
3. Specify the bit of a control word for the 8255, which differentiates between the
I/O mode and the BSR mode?
4. Write the input /output feature in Mode 9 for the 8255A PPI?
5. Write the control word format in the BSR mode?
6. Write down the output control signals used in 8255A PPI?
7. What is the use of mode 2 in 8255A PPI?
8. List the major components of 8257 keyboard/display interface?
9. What is the purpose for scan section in keyboard interface?
10. What is USART?
11. Define parallel to serial conversion?
12. Define simplex transmission?
13. Define Baud?
14. List the major components of 8251A programmable communication interface?
15. Write the steps necessary to initialize a counter in write operation?
16. Give the various modes of 8254 timer?
17. What is read back command in 8254 timer?
18. What is transmitter section in USART?
19. Write an instruction for serial output data?
20. Define serial to parallel conversion?


1. Define A/D and D/A converters?
2. What is resolution?
3. To interface an A/D converter with the microprocessor, what does the microprocessor do?
4. Write instructions for the EXEC module, assuming the memory address where
execution begins is in the register DE?
5. What are the functions of a single-board microcomputer?
6. What is BHE?
7. How many flags are included in 8086 programming model?
8. Write down the additional flags included in the 8086?
9. Write the advanced design features of Pentium processor?
10. When a key closure is found, the microprocessor waits for 10 to 20 ms before it
accepts input? Write a delay routine for above?
11. Write a subroutine for KYCHK?
12. Write a subroutine for KYPUSH?
13. Write the data transfer from master MPU to slave MPU?
14.Give the status word format for the bi-directional data transfer?

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