Explain ground incident angle, elevation angle, ground reflection and reflection point

Engineering Lecture Notes Pdf

1. Explain ground incident angle, elevation angle, ground reflection and reflection point.

The ground incident angle and the ground elevation angle over a communication link are described as follows. The ground incident angle 0 is the angle of wave arrival incidently pointing to the ground as shown in Fig. 1.1. The ground elevation angle is the angle of wave arrival at the mobile unit as shown in Fig. 1.1

Representation of Ground Incident Angle θ and Ground Elevation Angle φ

Based on Snell’s law, the reflection angle and incident angle are the same. Since in graphical display we usually exaggerate the hilly slope and the incident angle by enlarging the vertical scale, as shown in Fig. 1.2, then as long as the actual hilly slope is less than 100, the reflection point on a hilly slope can be obtained by following the same method as if the reflection point were on flat ground. Be sure that the two antennas (base and mobile) have been placed vertically, not perpendicular to the sloped ground. The reason is that the actual slope of the hill is usually very small and the vertical stands for two antennas are correct. The scale drawing in Fig. 1.2 is somewhat misleading however, it provides a clear view of the situation.

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