What are the different techniques to utilize the frequency spectrum, give a brief explanation?
2. What are the different techniques to utilize the frequency spectrum, give a brief explanation?
Frequency –Spectrum Utilization:
Since the radio-frequency spectrum is finite in mobile radio systems, the most significant challenge is to use the radio-frequency spectrum as efficiently as possible. Geographic location is an important factor in the application of the frequency-reuse concept in mobile cellular technology to increase spectrum efficiency. Frequency management involving the assignment of proper channels in different cells can increase spectrum efficiency. Thus, within a cell the channel assignment for each call is studied.
The techniques for increasing frequency spectrum can be classified as
1. Increasing the number of radio channel using narrow banding, spread spectrum, or time division.
2. Improving spatial frequency-spectrum reuse.
3. Frequency management and channel assignment.
4. Improving spectrum efficiency in time.
5. Reducing the load of invalid calls
a. Off-air call setup—reducing the load of setup channels
b. Voice storage service for No-Answer calls
c. Call forwarding
d. Reducing the customers’ Keep-Dialing cases
e. Call waiting for Busy-Call situations
f. Queuing