Explain the effect of propagation of mobile signals over water

Engineering Lecture Notes Pdf

10. Explain the effect of propagation of mobile signals over water.

Propagation over Water or Flat Open Area: Propagation over water or fiat open area is becoming a big concern because it is very easy to interfere with other cells if we do not make the correct arrangements. Interference resulting from propagation over the water can be controlled if we know the cause. In general, the permittivities Er of seawater and fresh water are the same, but the conductivities of seawater and fresh water are different. We may calculate the dielectric constants Ec where Ec = Er -j60σλ. The wavelength at 850MHz is 0.35m. Then Eo (sea water) = 80 - j84 and Ec (fresh water)=80-jO.021.

However, based upon the reflection coefficients formula with a small incident angle both the reflection coefficients for horizontal polarized waves and vertically polarized waves approach 1. Since the 180* phase change occurs at the ground reflection point, the reflection coefficient is -1. Now we can establish a scenario, as shown in Fig 10.1 Since the two antennas, one at the cell site and the other at the mobile unit, are well above sea level, two reflection points are generated. The one reflected from the ground is close to the mobile unit; the other reflected from the water is away from the mobile unit. We recall that the only reflected wave we considered in the land mobile propagation is the one reflection point which is always very close to the mobile unit. We are now using the formula to find the field strength under the circumstances of a fixed point-to-point transmission and a land-mobile transmission over a water or flat open land condition.

model for propagation over water
model for propagation over water

Between fixed stations: The point-to-point transmission between the fixed stations over the water or flat open land can be estimated as follows. The received power P, can be expressed as (see Fig.10.2)

Propagation between two fixed stations over water or flat open land

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