Write short notes on mobile-to-mobile propagation

Engineering Lecture Notes Pdf

11. Write short notes on mobile-to-mobile propagation.

Mobile-to-Mobile Propagation: In mobile-to-mobile land communication, both the transmitter and the receiver are in motion. The propagation path in this case is usually obstructed by buildings and obstacles between the transmitter and receiver. The propagation channel acts like a filter with a time-varying transfer function H (f, t) which can be found in this section.

The two mobile units M1 and M2 with velocities V1 and V2 respectively are shown in Fig.11.1. Assume that the transmitted signal from M1 is

where a1i and a2i are random angles as shown in Fig.11.1. Now assume that the received signal is the summation of n paths uniformly distributed around the azimuth.

The above equation can be represented as a statistical model of the channel, as shown in Fig 11.2.

Vehicle-to-vehicle transmission

Statistical model for mobile-to-mobile channel
Statistical model for mobile-to-mobile channel

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