Explain about the marketing of hexagonal cells?

Engineering Lecture Notes Pdf

9. Explain about the marketing of hexagonal cells?

Marketing Image of Hexagonal-shaped cells: The hexagonal-shaped communication cells are artificial and that such a shape cannot be generated in the real world. Engineers draw hexagonal-shaped cell on a layout to simplify the planning and design of a cellular system because it approaches a circular shape that is the ideal power coverage area. The circular shapes have overlapped areas which make the drawing unclear. The hexagonal-shaped cells fit the planned area nicely, as shown in Fig.8 with no gap and no overlap between the hexagonal cells. The ideal cell shapes as well as the real cell shapes are also shown in Fig.8.

A simple mechanism which makes the cellular system implement- able based on hexagonal cells will be illustrated in later chapters. Otherwise, a statistical approach will be used in dealing with a real-world situation. Fortunately, the outcomes resulting from these two approaches are very close, yet the latter does not provide a clear physical picture, as shown later. Besides, today these hexagonal-shaped cells have already become a widely promoted symbol for cellular mobile systems. An analysis using hexagonal cells, if it is desired, can easily be adapted by the reader.

Hexagonal Cells and the real shapes of their coverages
Hexagonal Cells and the real shapes of their coverages

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