MOS(FET) Transistor Characteristic under Static and Dynamic Conditions

Engineering Lecture Notes Pdf

Explain the DC transfer characteristic of CMOS inverter.[APRIL-2015, Nov 2015]

Draw and explain the DC and transfer characteristics of a CMOS inverter with necessary conditions for the different regions of operation. (Nov/Dec 2011) (Nov/Dec 2012) (May/June 2013) (April/May 2012) (May/June 2014) (Nov/Dec 2013) (May 2016, May 2017, Nov 2008) [April/May-2022.] [Nov/Dec-2020., April/May-2021] [April/May 2023]

Explain the CMOS inverter DC characteristics. (Nov 2007, Nov 2009) [Nov/Dec 2022]

The DC transfer characteristics of a circuit relate the output voltage to the input voltage.

(i) Static CMOS inverter DC Characteristics:

The DC transfer function (Vout Vs. Vin) for the static CMOS inverter shown in Figure 11. 
A Static CMOS inverter

  • Table 2, shows various regions of operation for the n and p transistors.
  • In this table, Vtn is the threshold voltage of the n-channel device, and Vtp is the threshold voltage of the p-channel device. Vtp is negative.
  • The equations are given both in terms of Vgs /Vds and Vin /Vout.
  • As the source of the nMOS transistor is grounded, Vgsn = Vin and Vdsn = Vout.
  • As the source of the pMOS transistor is tied to VDD, Vgsp = Vin – VDD and Vdsp = Vout – VDD.

Relationships between voltages for the three regions of operation of a CMOS inverter

  • Figure 12(a), shows Idsn and Idsp in terms of Vdsn and Vdsp for various values of Vgsn and Vgsp.
  • Figure 12(b), shows the same plot of Idsn and |Idsp| in terms of Vout for various values of Vin.
  • Operating points are plotted on Vout vs. Vin axes in Figure 12(c) to show the inverter DC transfer characteristics.
  • The supply current IDD = Idsn = |Idsp| is plotted against Vin in Figure 13(d) showing that both transistors are momentarily ON as Vin.
  • The operation of the CMOS inverter can be divided into five regions as indicated on figure 12(c). 

CMOS inverter DC characteristic

The state of each transistor in each region is shown in Table 3.

Summary of CMOS inverter operation

  • In region A, the nMOS transistor is OFF and the pMOS transistor pulls the output to VDD.
  • In region B, the nMOS transistor starts to turn ON. It is pulling the output down.
  • In region C, both transistors are in saturation.
  • In region D, the pMOS transistor is partially ON.
  • In region E, PMOS is completely OFF, making the nMOS transistor to pull the output down to GND.

(ii) Beta ratio Effects:

  •  For βp = βn, the inverter threshold voltage Vinv is VDD/2.
  •  It allows a capacitive load to charge and discharge in equal times by providing equal current source and equal sink capabilities. 
  •  Inverter with different beta ratios r = βp /βn is called skewed inverter.
  •  If r > 1, the inverter is HI-skewed. If r < 1, the inverter is LO-skewed. If r = 1, the inverter has normal skew or is unskewed.
  •  Figure 13, shows the impact of skewing the beta ratio on the DC transfer characteristics.
  •  As the beta ratio is changed, the switching threshold is varied.

Transfer characteristics of skewed inverters
 Transfer characteristics of skewed inverters

(iii) Noise Margins:

  •  Noise margin (Noise immunity) is related to the DC voltage characteristics.
  •  Noise Margin allows determining the allowable noise voltage on the input of a gate, so that the output will not be corrupted.
  •  Two parameters of the noise margin are LOW noise margin (NML), and the HIGH noise margin (NMH). 

Noise Margin Definitions

  •  NML is defined as the difference in maximum LOW input voltage VIL and the maximum LOW output voltage VOL. NML = VIL - VOL
  •  The value of NMH is the difference between the minimum HIGH output voltage VOH and the minimum HIGH input voltage VIH. i.e., NMH = VOH - VIH
  •  Inputs between VIL and VIH are said to be in the indeterminate region or forbidden zone.

(iv) Pass Transistor DC Characteristics:

  • The nMOS transistors pass 0’s well but 1’s poorly. Figure 15(a), shows an nMOS transistor with the gate and drain tied to VDD.
  • Initially at Vs = 0. Vgs > Vtn, so the transistor is ON and current flow. 
  • Therefore, nMOS transistors attempting to pass a 1 never pull the source above VDD – Vtn. This loss is called a threshold drop.
  • The pMOS transistors pass 1’s well but 0’s poorly.
  • If the pMOS source drops below |Vtp|, the transistor cuts off.
  • Hence, pMOS transistors only pull down to a threshold above GND, as shown in Figure 15(b).
Pass Transistor threshold drops


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