38 TOP MOST EDC Viva questions and answers pdf

Engineering Lecture Notes Pdf

EDC 38 TOP MOST EDC Viva questions and answers pdf

1. What is Electronic?

2. What is resistor?

3. What is conductor?

4. What is a semi conductor?

5. What is diode?

6. What is transistor?

7. What is rectifier?

8. What are special diodes?


9.  Define knee voltage of a diode.

10. Draw VI characteristics of pn junction diode.

11. Although zener diode is operated in the reverse breakdown region, but it does not burn. Why?

12. Differentiate between static and dynamic resistance of a diode.

13. Differentiate between avalanche and zener breakdown.

14. Draw the VI characteristics of an ideal diode.

Transistor characteristics – CB, CE and CC 

15. Draw the circuits of CB, CE and CC configurations using npn transistor.

16 .What is the necessity of heat sink?

17. Compare the features of the three transistor configurations.

18. Applications of Transistor?

19. Why is base made thin and lightly doped?

20. Explain why an ordinary transistor is called bipolar.

21. Why is transistor called a current controlled device ?

22. Why is collector region is greater than emitter region?


23. Draw the basic structure of an N channel junction field effect transistor.

24. Why is FET known as a unipolar device?

25. What are the advantages and disadvantages of JFET over BJT?

26. What is a channel?

27. Distinguish between JFET and MOSFET.

28. Draw the symbol of JFET and MOSFET.

29. What are the two modes of MOSFET?

30. Define pinch-off voltage


31. Define latching current.

32. Define holding current

33. Define drain resistance

34. .Define inter-base resistance

35. What is amplification factor

36. What is the other name of UJT?

37. Derive intrinsic stand off ratio.

38. Draw the equivalent circuit of UJT.

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